Libor Bešenyi (CTO)
Digital era will gradually influence every aspect of business. Old systems are already inadequate and new ones either don’t exist, or companies don’t trust them yet. Let's look at how Gartner sees the changes that companies will be facing soon.
Cloud mania is everywhere and it is increasingly difficult to ignore. But if we try to use the Cloud with old systems or according to old perception of the world, it's like playing radio on TV. The fact that it works does not mean that you are using the potential of TV. No wonder many corporations perceive Cloud as one of many attractions. Companies will soon find that only if they put more energy into the process of digital transformation (more innovations), they will actually benefit from the migration to the Cloud
Gartner sees digital transformation in three steps:
Modernization is relatively simple. DevOps and ever faster world require innovative approach to IT. Developers need to respond quickly to business requirements. Systems need to be standardized and they need to become a commodity easily accessible for business. This is what the world of hardware faced once, when it became cheap and absolutely affordable within few years.
How will Cloud help companies on their way to modernization? Software suppliers and companies dependent on digital technologies will modify their systems for efficient cloud computing - they will gain easy connectivity and the capability of systems to absorb quick changes.
When our systems are already in the Cloud, companies will have to modify the logic of their approach to software. This innovation will bring amazing opportunities of connecting businesses. Classical IT systems now operate on the principle of demand -> response (service). New systems will send requests to centres that will be processed in real-time by various modules:
A similar principle also works for mobile phones, where work with various devices is synchronized in real-time, i.e. an event processed on a mobile telephone does not need to be processed on a home tablet.
This model opens unexpected doors in our business. Partners using our services will create a brand-new business and we will be part of it.